Some things to know about the process of development of the child which is a process of growth and development of children take place regularly, interrelated and continuous. In general, the characteristics of development of the child are:
Growth and development occur simultaneously and correlated. For example: the growth of brain and nerve fibers of the child will be accompanied by changes in the function of the development intelegensianya.
The development has a regular pattern and sequence. Growth and development at an early stage will determine the next stage of growth and development. For example: before the child can walk, he should be able to stand up first.
The development of organ function has a fixed pattern, namely: development first occurred in the head area and then headed toward the lower (caudal), development occurs on the ability of coarse motion first, then followed by fine motor skills.
The development is the result of the process of maturation and learning. Maturity is a process from within (intrinsic) that occur on its own according to their talents and potential of children. While the learning process will sharpen the ability of the child so the child has the ability to use the resources and potential inherited in children.
The development can be foreseen. There is a common pattern of development for all children from the general ketahapan specific stages that occur regularly and continuously. Thus a child's developmental stages can be predicted.
Stages of development of children aged 0-72 months as follows:
Age 0-3 months:
Lifting his head as high as 45 °
Moving the head from left / right to the middle
Seeing your face and stare
Babble babble spontaneously or react with
Like laughing out loud
Reacting surprised to loud noise
Replying to a smile when asked to talk / smile.
Know Your mother by sight, smell, hearing, and contacts
Age 3-6 months:
- Turning from tummy to his back
- Lifting his head as high as 90 °
- Maintaining the position of the head remains upright and stable
- Hold the pencil
- Reaching objects within range
- Holding his own hand
- Trying to broaden outlook
- Directing her eyes on small objects
- Removing the high-pitched excited voice or yell
- Smiled when he saw the toys / interesting pictures when playing alone
Age 6-9 months:
- Sitting alone (in the cross-legged stance)
- Learning to stand, his feet rested in part weight
- Crawl and reach a toy or approached a person
- Moving objects from one hand to the other
- Picked up two bodies, each hand holding an object at the same time
- Picked up the object of beans scooped by
- Talking with no meaning such as: mamama, bababa, dadada, tatata
- Looking for toys / objects being dropped
- Playing applause /-a-boo
- Rejoice with throwing objects
- Eat the cake itself
Age 9-12 months:
- Lifting his body to a standing position
- Learning to stand for 30 seconds or holding onto a chair
- Can walk with guided
- Extended arm / body to achieve the desired toy
- Mengenggam tight pencil
- Inserting objects into the mouth
- Repeating imitating the sound is heard
- 2-3 mention the same syllable without meaning
- Exploring around, curious, wanting to touch anything
- Reacting to a whisper (slowly)
- Glad to be invited to play "peekaboo"
- Getting to know family members, fear in people who have not known
Age 12-18 months:
- Stand alone without holding
- Bending over to pick up a toy and then stand back
- Walking back 5 steps
- Calling dad with the word "papa", calling the mother with the word "mama".
- Stacking two cubes
- Enter the cube in the box
- Referring to what he wants without crying / whining, children can spend a fun or interesting sounds mother's hand
- Jealousy show / compete
Age 18-24 months:
- Stand alone without holding for 30 seconds
- Walk without stumbling
- Clapping, waving
- Four stacked cubes
- Picking up small objects with thumb and forefinger
- Rolling the ball towards the target
- Call 3-6 words that have meaning
- Assist / imitate housework
- Hold the cup itself, learning to eat-drink alone
Age 24-36 months:
- The road up the stairs alone
- Can play and kick a small ball
- Pencil scribble on paper
- Speak well, using two words
- May appoint one or more parts of his body when asked
- Viewing pictures and can be called correctly name two or more objects
- Helping pick up his toys alone or help bring an object if requested
- Eat rice without a lot of spill
- Releasing his own clothes
Age 36-48 months:
- Standing on one foot for 2 seconds
- Jumping with both legs lifted
- Pedal a tricycle
- Draw a straight line
- Accumulate 8 pieces cube
- Know 2-4 colors
- Name, age, place.
- Understand the meaning of words above, below, in front of
- Listening to stories
- Wash and dry own hands
- Playing together ternan, follow the rules of the game
- Wearing their own shoes
- Dressed in slacks, shirt, clothes
Age 48-60 months:
- Standing on one foot for 6 seconds
- Jumping with both legs lifted
- Pedal a tricycle
- Draw a straight line
- Accumulate 8 pieces cube
- Know 2-4 colors
- Name, age, place
- Understand the meaning of words above, below, in front of
- Listening to stories
- Wash and dry own hands
- Playing with friends, follow the rules of the game
- Wearing their own shoes
- Dressed in slacks, shirt, clothes
Age 60-72 months:
- Walking straight
- Standing with one leg for 11 seconds
- Drawing 6 parts of the body, draw a complete person
- Catch a small ball with both hands
- Draw a rectangle
- Understand the meaning of the opposite
- Understand conversations using 7 words or more
- Answering questions about what objects are made of and its usefulness
- Know the numbers, can count the number 5 -10
- Know Your colorful
- Expressing sympathy
- Following the rules of the game
- Dress himself without assistance
SourceDepartment of Health, 2006, Guidelines for Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention Growth in Primary Health Care Level.Posted by ARVIEN Farrell
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