Parents, caregivers and educators need to know the developmental stages of children (students), whether normal or there is ongoing development of irregularities. When educators suspect that their students have grown deviation or late development compared with age, it can tell parents to immediately check their children to health facilities that can be addressed early.
Some things to know about the process of development of the child which is a process of growth and development of children take place regularly, interrelated and continuous. In general, the characteristics of development of the child are:
Growth and development occur simultaneously and correlated. For example: the growth of brain and nerve fibers of the child will be accompanied by changes in the function of the development intelegensianya.
The development has a regular pattern and sequence. Growth and development at an early stage will determine the next stage of growth and development. For example: before the child can walk, he should be able to stand up first.
The development of organ function has a fixed pattern, namely: development first occurred in the head area and then headed toward the lower (caudal), development occurs on the ability of coarse motion first, then followed by fine motor skills.
The development is the result of the process of maturation and learning. Maturity is a process from within (intrinsic) that occur on its own according to their talents and potential of children. While the learning process will sharpen the ability of the child so the child has the ability to use the resources and potential inherited in children.
The development can be foreseen. There is a common pattern of development for all children from the general ketahapan specific stages that occur regularly and continuously. Thus a child's developmental stages can be predicted.
Stages of development of children aged 0-72 months as follows:
Age 0-3 months:
Lifting his head as high as 45 °
Moving the head from left / right to the middle
Seeing your face and stare
Babble babble spontaneously or react with
Like laughing out loud
Reacting surprised to loud noise
Replying to a smile when asked to talk / smile.
Know Your mother by sight, smell, hearing, and contacts
Age 3-6 months:
- Turning from tummy to his back
- Lifting his head as high as 90 °
- Maintaining the position of the head remains upright and stable
- Hold the pencil
- Reaching objects within range
- Holding his own hand
- Trying to broaden outlook
- Directing her eyes on small objects
- Removing the high-pitched excited voice or yell
- Smiled when he saw the toys / interesting pictures when playing alone
Age 6-9 months:
- Sitting alone (in the cross-legged stance)
- Learning to stand, his feet rested in part weight
- Crawl and reach a toy or approached a person
- Moving objects from one hand to the other
- Picked up two bodies, each hand holding an object at the same time
- Picked up the object of beans scooped by
- Talking with no meaning such as: mamama, bababa, dadada, tatata
- Looking for toys / objects being dropped
- Playing applause /-a-boo
- Rejoice with throwing objects
- Eat the cake itself
Age 9-12 months:
- Lifting his body to a standing position
- Learning to stand for 30 seconds or holding onto a chair
- Can walk with guided
- Extended arm / body to achieve the desired toy
- Mengenggam tight pencil
- Inserting objects into the mouth
- Repeating imitating the sound is heard
- 2-3 mention the same syllable without meaning
- Exploring around, curious, wanting to touch anything
- Reacting to a whisper (slowly)
- Glad to be invited to play "peekaboo"
- Getting to know family members, fear in people who have not known
Age 12-18 months:
- Stand alone without holding
- Bending over to pick up a toy and then stand back
- Walking back 5 steps
- Calling dad with the word "papa", calling the mother with the word "mama".
- Stacking two cubes
- Enter the cube in the box
- Referring to what he wants without crying / whining, children can spend a fun or interesting sounds mother's hand
- Jealousy show / compete
Age 18-24 months:
- Stand alone without holding for 30 seconds
- Walk without stumbling
- Clapping, waving
- Four stacked cubes
- Picking up small objects with thumb and forefinger
- Rolling the ball towards the target
- Call 3-6 words that have meaning
- Assist / imitate housework
- Hold the cup itself, learning to eat-drink alone
Age 24-36 months:
- The road up the stairs alone
- Can play and kick a small ball
- Pencil scribble on paper
- Speak well, using two words
- May appoint one or more parts of his body when asked
- Viewing pictures and can be called correctly name two or more objects
- Helping pick up his toys alone or help bring an object if requested
- Eat rice without a lot of spill
- Releasing his own clothes
Age 36-48 months:
- Standing on one foot for 2 seconds
- Jumping with both legs lifted
- Pedal a tricycle
- Draw a straight line
- Accumulate 8 pieces cube
- Know 2-4 colors
- Name, age, place.
- Understand the meaning of words above, below, in front of
- Listening to stories
- Wash and dry own hands
- Playing together ternan, follow the rules of the game
- Wearing their own shoes
- Dressed in slacks, shirt, clothes
Age 48-60 months:
- Standing on one foot for 6 seconds
- Jumping with both legs lifted
- Pedal a tricycle
- Draw a straight line
- Accumulate 8 pieces cube
- Know 2-4 colors
- Name, age, place
- Understand the meaning of words above, below, in front of
- Listening to stories
- Wash and dry own hands
- Playing with friends, follow the rules of the game
- Wearing their own shoes
- Dressed in slacks, shirt, clothes
Age 60-72 months:
- Walking straight
- Standing with one leg for 11 seconds
- Drawing 6 parts of the body, draw a complete person
- Catch a small ball with both hands
- Draw a rectangle
- Understand the meaning of the opposite
- Understand conversations using 7 words or more
- Answering questions about what objects are made of and its usefulness
- Know the numbers, can count the number 5 -10
- Know Your colorful
- Expressing sympathy
- Following the rules of the game
- Dress himself without assistance
SourceDepartment of Health, 2006, Guidelines for Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention Growth in Primary Health Care Level.Posted by ARVIEN Farrell
What is multiple intelligence?Multiple intelligences (multiple intelligences) are different types of intelligence that can be developed in children, such as verbal-linguistic (ability to describe the thoughts in sentences, presentations, speeches, discussions, writings), logical-mathematical (the ability to use logic in solving mathematical various issues), visual spatial (three-dimensional thinking skills), bodily-kinesthetic (movement skills, dance, sports), musicals (sensitivity and ability of expression by sound, tone, melody, rhythm), intrapersonal (the ability to understand and control myself) , interpersonal (the ability to understand and adjust to other people), naturalists (the ability to understand and utilize the environment).
What factors that affect the quality of intelligence?Multiple Intelligences influenced two major interrelated factors are heredity (congenital, genetic) and environmental factors. A child can develop a variety of intelligence if you have hereditary factors and stimulated by the environment continuously.
Parents who are intelligent children tend to be intelligent if environmental factors also support the development kecerdasaannnya since in the womb, infancy and toddler. Although both parents smart but if the environment is not providing basic necessities for the development of intelligence, then the potential intelligence of the child will not develop optimally. While parents who happened to have no chance to follow higher education (not necessarily they are not smart, probably because there is no opportunity or economic constraints) can be intelligent if it satisfied his need for the development of intelligence since in the womb up to school age and adolescence.
What basic need to develop intelligence?Three basic need to develop intelligence, among others, is the need PHYSICAL-BIOLOGICAL (particularly for brain growth, sensory and motor systems), EMOTIONS-AFFECTION (influence of emotional intelligence, inter and intrapersonal) and early stimulation (stimulating other intelligence-intelligence).
PHYSICAL-BIOLOGICAL needs good nutrition, especially since in the womb to teens, especially for brain development, prevention and treatment of diseases that can affect the development of intelligence, and physical skills to perform everyday activities.
EMOTION-AFFECTION needs: primarily with protecting, creating a sense of security and comfort, attention and respect of children, do not give priority to punishment with anger but more to give examples and lovingly. Needs stimulation involves the continuous stimulation with a variety of ways to stimulate all the sensory and motor systems.
The three basic needs must be given at the same time since the fetus inside the womb because it will affect each other. If the requirement is not fulfilled biophysical, affects less, often ill, then no optimal brain development. When the need for emotion and affection are not fulfilled then the inter-and inter-personal intelligence is also low. When stimulation in daily interactions is less varied then the development of intelligence is also less variable.
What's that early stimulation? What are the benefits?Early stimulation is the stimulation performed since the newborn (even better since 6 month fetus in the womb) is done every day, to stimulate all the senses (hearing, seeing, touching, pembauan, taste). In addition it should also stimulate the movement of rough and smooth legs, hands and fingers, encouraging communication, and stimulate pleasant feelings and thoughts of infants and toddlers. Stimulation performed at birth, continuous, varied, with the air play and compassion, will spur the various aspects of children's intelligence (multiple intelligences), namely intelligence: logiko-mathematical, emotional, communication, language (linguistic), musical intelligence, movement (kinesthetic) , visuo-spatial, visual art etc.
How do the early stimulationStimulation should be done every time there is a chance to interact with infants / toddlers. for example when bathing, changing diapers, feeding, feeding, holding, take a walk, play, watch TV, in the vehicle, before bed.
Stimulation for infants 0-3 months with a way: seeking a sense of comfortable, safe and fun, hugging, holding, gazing at the baby's eyes, inviting smile, speak, sounds a different sound or music alternately, hang brightly colored and moving objects (circles or boxes black-white), things sounded, baby mengulingkan right-left, stomach, back, stimulated to reach out and hold a toy
Age 3 - 6 months plus the play '-a-boo', saw the baby and the sitter's face in the mirror, is stimulated to his stomach, back and forth on his back, sit down.
Age 6-9 months plus calling his name, invited shaking hands, clapping, reading fairy tales, stimulate sitting, standing holding onto trained.
Age 9-12 months coupled with repeated mentions mama-papa, brother, inserting toys into containers, drinking from the cup, rolling the ball, trained to stand, walk with holding.
Age 12-18 months coupled with doodling exercises using color pencil, arrange cubes, blocks, pieces of a simple picture (puzzle) insert and remove small objects from the container, playing with dolls, spoons, plates, cups, teapots, broom, rag. Practice walking without holding, walking backward, climb stairs, kick a ball, took off his pants, understand and perform simple commands (where the ball, hold it, put it, grab it), mentioning names or showing objects.
Age 18-24 months plus with asked, mentioning and showing the parts of the body (where the eye? Nose?, Ears?, Mouth? Etc.), ask for a picture or mention the names of animals and objects around the house, talking about daily activities -day (eating, drinking bath, play, ask, etc.), practice drawing the lines, washing hands, wearing pants - clothes, playing throw ball, jump.
Age 2-3 years plus the know and mention the color, use adjectives (big-small, hot-cold, high-low, many-bit, etc.), mentioning the names of friends, counting objects, wear clothes, brush your teeth , playing cards, dolls, cooking, cuisine, drawing lines, circles, people, practice standing on one leg, urinated / large in the toilet.
After 3 years in addition to developing life skills earlier, stimulation is also directed to go to school readiness include: holding a pencil properly, write, recognize letters and numbers, simple arithmetic, understand simple commands (urinating / large in the toilet), and independence (left at school), share with friends etc.. Stimulation can be done at home (by the caregiver and family) but can also be in the Play Group, TK or the like.
The importance of the atmosphere when the stimulation
Stimulation is carried out every opportunity to interact with the infant-toddler, every day, continuously, variable, adjusted for age development of ability, performed by the family (especially mother or mother substitute).
Stimulation should be done in an atmosphere of fun and excitement between caregiver and infant / balitanya. Do not provide stimulation to the hurry-hurry, obtrude nanny, no interest or desire attention to infant / toddler, or infant-toddler is sleepy, bored or want to play another. Caregivers who are often angry, bored, annoyed, then the caregiver would unwittingly give a negative emotional stimuli. Because in principle all the words, attitudes and actions nanny is a stimulation that were recorded, remembered and will be replicated or even cause fear infant-toddler.
The importance of a democratic parenting (authoritative)Therefore, the interaction between caregiver and infant or toddler should be done in a democratic atmosphere of parenting (authoritative). That nanny should be sensitive to infant cues, it means pay attention to their interests, desires or opinions of children, not to impose the will of caregivers, full of love, and joy, a sense of security and comfort, giving examples without forcing, pushing the courage to try to be creative, give awards or credit for the success or good behavior, giving a correction rather than a threat or punishment if the child can not do something or when making a mistake.
Why early stimulation can stimulate multiple intelligences?Fetal brain cells are formed after 3-4 months in the mother's womb and after birth until the age of 3-4 years the number increased rapidly to reach billions of cells, but there is no relationship between these cells. Starting 6 months of pregnancy, the relationship established between cells, thus forming a series of functions. The quality and complexity of the sequence relationships between brain cells is determined by the stimulation (stimulation) performed by the environment to the infant-toddler.
The more varied stimuli received by infant-toddler, the more complex relationships between brain cells. The more frequent and regular stimulation received, the stronger the relationship between these brain cells. The more complex and powerful relationship between brain cells, the higher and varied intelligence of children in the future, when developed over time, so the child will have many variations in intelligence (multiple intelligences).
How do I stimulate multiple intelligences?
To stimulate verbal language intelligence invite conversation, read the story again and again, stimulated to talk and tell stories, sing songs, etc. children.
Logical-mathematical intelligence Train by classifying, composing, arranging, counting toys, play figures, checkers, congklak, abacus, chess, cards, puzzles, puzzle, monopolies, computer games etc..
Develop visual-spatial intelligence by observing the picture, photos, assemble and disassemble lego, cutting, folding, drawing, checkers, puzzles, houses, computer games etc..
Trained intelligence body motion with one leg standing, squatting, bending, walking on one line, running, jumping, throwing, catching, gymnastics, dancing, sports games etc..
Stimulates musical intelligence by listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, the rhythm and tone.
Trained inter-personal emotional intelligence by playing along with older children and younger, sharing the cake, give in, toy lending, working to make something, the game control myself, recognize the various tribes, nations, cultures, religions through books, TV etc.
Train the intra-personal emotional intelligence by telling feelings, desires, ideals, experience, imagination, writing stories etc..
Stimulate naturalist intelligence by planting seeds to grow, maintain potted plants, pets, gardening, tourism in the forest, mountains, rivers, beaches, watching the sky, clouds, moon, stars, etc..
If the child has the innate potential of the various intelligence and stimulated continuously since childhood in a fun and varied types so our children will have multiple intelligences.
How do I develop the creativity of children?
Creativity is needed by humans to solve various problems in daily life. Creativity should be developed early on. Many families who do not realize that the attitude of parents who are authoritarian (dictatorship) against children will kill the seeds of creativity of children, so that when the adults have only a very limited creativity.
How does the role of parents to develop the creativity of children?
Creativity of children will develop if parents are always being authoritative (democratic), namely: to listen to talk of children, value the opinions of children, encourage children to dare to express it. Do not interrupt the child when he wants to express his thoughts. Do not force the child that parents are the most correct opinion, or opinion of child abuse
Parents should encourage children to dare to try to express their opinions, ideas, do something or take their own decisions (provided it does not endanger or harm other people or yourself). Do not threaten or punish a child when opinions or actions are considered wrong by the parent. Child is not wrong, they generally do not know, in the learning phase. Therefore the opinion or ask why they do so, given the opportunity to promoted reasons. Give examples, take thought, do not be dictated or forced, let them fix it in its own way. Therefore do not turn off their courage to express thoughts, ideas, opinions or do something.
In addition, parents should encourage independence of the child in doing something, appreciate the efforts he has done, giving praise for the results that have been achieved even though no matter how small. The ways this is one important element of creativity development of children.
Families should encourage children to interested in observing and questioning about various things or events around us, what they hear, see, feel or think in their daily lives. Parents must respond in a way that increasingly provide the means to stimulate children to think more deeply, for example by providing the pictures, books. Do not refuse, prohibit or stop the child's curiosity, as long as it does not endanger himself or others.
Parents should give children the opportunity to develop imagination, contemplate, think and realize the idea of children with each. Let them play, draw, create shapes or colors in a way that is unusual, illogical, unrealistic or has never existed. Let them draw a bicycle with square wheels, the sky is red, blue leaves. Do not many prohibit, dictate, denounced, condemned, or restrict the child. Give freedom, opportunity, encouragement, appreciation or praise to try an idea, provided it does not endanger himself or others.
All these things will stimulate the development of right brain functions that are essential for the creativity of children, namely: divergent thinking (extended), intuitive (based on intuition), abstract, free, simultaneously.
If you want a child with multiple intelligence from infant stimulation should be performed every day in all sensory systems (hearing, seeing, touching, pembauan, taste), with invited talk, play to stimulate feelings and thoughts, stimulate the rough and smooth motion of the neck, body, feet, hands and fingers.
How do the stimulation should be adjusted to the age and stage for growing up children. Stimulation is done every time there is a chance to interact with the infant / toddler, for example when bathing, changing diapers, feeding, feeding, holding, take a walk, play, watch TV, in the vehicle, before bedtime, or anytime and anywhere when you can interact with your toddler. Next can be added through the Play Group, TK and the like.
Stimulation should be done in a fun atmosphere, that authoritative parenting (democratic). Meaning: caregivers must be sensitive to infant cues, pay attention to their interests, desires or opinions of children, not to impose the will of caregivers, full of love, and joy, a sense of security and comfort, giving examples without forcing, pushing the courage to try to be creative, give awards or credit for the success or good behavior, giving a correction rather than a threat or punishment if the child can not do something or when making a mistake.
Authoritative parenting is important to develop the creativity of children.
Listen to the talk of children, encourage children to dare to utter their opinions, respect the opinion of the child, do not interrupt the child, parents do not force an opinion or the opinion of child abuse.
Rangsanglah child to be attracted to observe and question about various things in their environment, give freedom and encouragement to develop imagination, contemplate, think, try and realize the idea. Give praise for the results that have been achieved even though no matter how small.
Do not stop the child's curiosity, do much to threaten or punish, give a chance to try, provided it does not endanger himself or others.
author : Arvien
see also :